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A simple HTTP and socket server library built for TypeScript on Node.js.

The primary goal of this library is to provide a framework that facilitates the design of a clear and error-free communication structure between the server and client:

  • every message that is sent needs to have a corresponding message handler on the other side
  • all messages should have a well-defined format
  • At no point should the programmer be able to mistakenly send the wrong arguments because they misread the docs

All of these things are guaranteed by the clever typing system.

Getting Started


Via npm:

npm install table-talk


Detailed documentation can be found at tannerntannern.github.io/table-talk. For help getting started, keep reading.


Creating an HTTP Server/Client

Start by sketching an API that you want implemented:

type User = {
    name: string,
    age: number

interface API {
    get: {
        '/users': {args: {}, return: User[]},
        '/user': {args: {id: number}, return: User}
    post: {
        '/user': {args: User, return: boolean}
    delete: {
        '/user': {args: {index: number}, return: boolean}

Then create a ServerManager class that implement the API. The typings will ensure that all the httpHandlers are implemented properly:

import {ExpressServerManager, ExpressClient} from 'table-talk';

class ServerManager extends ExpressServerManager<API> {
    protected users: User[];

    protected httpHandlers = {
        get: {
            '/users': () => {
                return this.users;
            '/user': (data: {id: number}) => {
                return this.users[data.id];
        post: {
            '/user': (data: User) => {
                return true;
        delete: {
            '/user': (data) => {
                let user = this.users[data.index];
                if (user !== undefined) {
                    this.users.splice(data.index, 1);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;

Then create an HttpServer and attach the manager you just implemented.

import {HttpServer} from 'table-talk';

let server = new HttpServer({port: 3000})
    .with('my-manager', new ServerManager());

await server.start();

When the client connects to the server, it will only be able to make requests described by the API, which helps prevent mistakes.

import {ExpressClient} from 'table-talk';

class Client extends ExpressClient<API> {
    // Nothing to implement here

let client = new Client('http://localhost:3000');

// The compiler accepts this because the GET route exists and is passed the proper arguments
// Note that the Promise value is also properly typed according to the API
let user: User = await client.get('/user', {id: 0});

// This won't work because the passed object is not properly typed; missing prop 'age'
await client.post('/user', {name: 'Josh'});

// This won't work because the /users route is a GET route, not PUT
await client.PUT('/users', {foo: 'bar'})

Note: The ExpressClient is intended to be used within the browser, and it requires the axios request library. It is not bundled by default to avoid unnecessary bloat and give the option of using axios's CDN. Simply include the CDN

Creating a Socket Server/Client

Coming soon...

A Note on Bundling

Coming soon...


Tanner Nielsen tannerntannern@gmail.com

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